4 Signs You’re Choosing A Writing Topic Wisely

Choosing a writing topic is usually one of the first tasks you’ll do for a writing project. Sometimes you’ll settle on the perfect idea without much difficulty, but more often, such strokes of luck will be the proverbial exceptions rather than the proverbial rule.

Selecting a topic requires having a basic idea about what you would like to discuss, but picking an issue that can successfully interest your readers is much more involved. At the very least, you’ll need to:

  • Identify a broad area of subject matter,
  • Brainstorm more specific topics within the wider scope of material,
  • Choose one or more particular issues that can interest you and your readers,
  • Research and verify you have a topic worth writing about, and
  • Refine your focus as needed.

Even after all that, you might still wind up with a topic that goes nowhere in terms of engagement. As such, choosing a writing topic wisely is one of those things you learn to feel into. However, there are some signs you can look for to determine if you’re on the right track.

4 Signs You’re Choosing Your Writing Topic Wisely:
  1. The Subject Matter is Interesting to You. No one wants to write about a topic that doesn’t interest them. It’s miserable, and your disdain is likely to leak into your writing. If you’ve got a topic you like and are curious about, you’ll be better able to consider different angles and bring value to your readers.
  2. You Can Find Sufficient Information to Support Your Claims or Ideas. Of course, simply being interested in a topic isn’t enough. You also need to ensure that you possess or can find information to support any assertions or opinions in your piece. Adequate supporting evidence is especially critical if you want to convey your expertise and credibility on an issue.
  3. Your Take on a Topic is Unique or at Least Different. Rehashing what others have said on a topic without adding a new spin isn’t a winning engagement strategy. Sure, there will be some niche areas in which summarizing or restating similar information works, but overall, you want to make sure you’re starting or adding to a discussion.
  4. Similar Topics Have Had Notable Receptions. While developing a unique approach to subject matter is important, you want to make sure you providing information that people will care about. One way to check potential reactions is to see what others have said and how much engagement their posts or articles have garnered in the past.

Taken as a whole, these 4 signs increase the likelihood that you’ve chosen your writing topic wisely. However, even if you have each one, there’s still no guarantee you’ll end up with a project that attracts significant engagement.

Any Advice on Choosing a Writing Topic That Could Meet All 4 Signs?

You bet there is, dear writers. When you’re pondering what you’d like to write about, there are two different pools of information you can tap into to find a topic.

  1. Your Own Knowledge. “Write what you know” is an adage for a reason. Just about everyone has at least one or two areas in which they possess considerable knowledge by way of experience or education. Draw on that pool first and compare what you know to what’s been said.
  2. The Knowledge of Other Writers. Probably one of the best ways to find writing topics is to read. A lot. By reading the words of others, you’ll learn new things, and you can also find inspiration as you agree or disagree with the ideas presented.

Regardless of where you find your next topic, know that persistence is key. Put consistent effort into choosing the subject matter for your writing projects, and you are more likely to find topics that result in engagement. Select topics without much care or topics that only hit a few of the 4 signs, and you might struggle to gain traction with your audience.

More to Come!

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